Sunday, January 4, 2009

Life has really been busy lately but I am really enjoying every moment. Hearing about John Travolta and Kelly Preston's son passing away makes you hold your children closer!!! My heart breaks for them and I pray that they find some comfort in the coming years. My life would forever change and honestly I don't know how I would manage losing one of my precious boys.
I am in awe of them everyday. They are full of laughter, smiles and joy. They give that to everyone around them too. There is no greater joy than being blessed as their mother. I get to spend the rest of my life soaking up their radiance. I hope one day they truly know what they mean to me. What they have always meant to me. Tears are filling up my eyes because I am so proud of them. I am so proud of the young men they have become.

I am watching 9 kids now...starting tomm. That includes Hayden and my assistant's child. We are so busy during the day but it is alot of fun! Paul has been super supportive and I really appreciate that. I love being home with my boys and I truly believe it is the most important thing you can do for them. We start lesson's again tomorrow and I am so happy to say my parent's are amazed with my curriculum. The kids will have a FULL, FUN week!

Trae and Austin go back to school tomm. after being off for 2 weeks. I don't think they are too excited about it either??!! Hayden is getting over Pneumonia...his cold didn't get better and turned into the worst. I am happy to say he is on the curve and hasn't run a fever since Friday! He is eating and drinking like crazy too! Poor guy.

Paul has been off for 2 weeks too and I don't think he is excited about going back either....he enjoyed playing golf and getting stuff done around the house. I enjoyed him being around too :)

Still don't have my camera...Paul is supposed to have his dad ship it back to us this week!! I need it! I want to show off the xmas pics. Have a good night!

God Is GOOD!

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