Friday, June 27, 2008

This week has been very busy! I had put the boys in another vacation bible school at another church for this week. They have had fun and learned alot! They have really seemed to enjoy it. These days really are flying by.... football starts at the beginning of August for the boys and they are ready. I have them both in a camp this summer (football) too.

Hayden and I have had alot of fun hanging out everyday. He is changing so much day by day! He is such a sweet, loving, ACTIVE little boy. He wants to be big like his brothers! He still isn't walking but could if he really wanted too. He has great balance and stands on his own for long amounts of time but is scared to take steps without holding on to something. His time will come, I am not pushing it!!! He is on the floor right now loving on his blankie! He sure does love his blankie! He has had a cold the past two days but slept great last night. I think it is over now but still has a little runny nose. I was hoping to see Emmi this weekend...maybe Sunday! I miss her.

God sure has blessed us with so many things and I am forever grateful. I never would have imagined this to be my life (3 boys). I sure do enjoy every minute with them and they have added so much joy to my life. They keep me on my toes and know how to wear me out but their love is un-replaceable. They are so beautiful and so smart....I could go on and on but I think that is enough bragging!!!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

The first week of vacation bible school is over. The boys LOVED it! They learned so much and I am so proud of their faith! Again, I was complimented left and right about how good they are and of their manners. It makes me so proud! This coming week we have another vacation bible school and they are excited about that one too.

On another note....I spent an hour calling every shoe store in town trying to find Trae these black and white puma's he wanted. He is so picky about his clothes and shoes...heck! even his socks!! We finally found them and went to pick them up this afternoon. He was very happy! Austin had picked out some new shoes last week (he is easy!!).

This morning I had a massage and citrus awakening pedicure! Thanks to Paul for our anniversary gift. It was really nice to be pampered. I don't like doing anything for myself....

I got to talk to MaMa the other day and it was so wonderful. She is such a lovely women and I am so blessed to have her in my life! She lifts me up. I love you MaMa!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I am so proud of my boys! Everywhere we go I get complimented on how well behaved they are. I hope they stay that way! Tonight when Daddy gets home we are going to go get their hair cut and to get more paint for Hayden's room. Other than that today is really uneventful due to all the rain and thunderstorms.
This morning I woke up and went outside to water the plants and it was really cool outside. My flowers died in one of my spots. The yard is looking really good and green!

Please remember to pray for Sully! Visit his websites and click updates and scroll to the bottom to read what he is going through now.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Today the boys started Vacation Bible School and they really enjoyed it! We are home now and Austin is complaining of his stomach hurting. I have wanted to take him in anyways because he always seems tired. I have an appointment this afternoon at 4:00PM. Other than that everyone is ok. I am feeling better but still had no idea what was wrong. Very strange!

We have had so much fun fishing just about every night! I am enjoying being home with the boys this summer too! Better put Hayden down for a nap before we go to the doctor.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Simple Happiness

My boys amaze me everyday! They are so sweet and caring and love me and each other to no end. They were on the floor playing together and Hayden was in his swing drinking a bottle. Austin came over to give Hayden a toy too. He wanted Hayden to be included in their play time too! They race upstairs everytime Hayden gets up from a nap or in the morning just to see his face and give him a kiss. They absolutely adore their little brother! It amazes me with the age difference and the fact that they have each other to play with. I feel so blessed to have these boys. I cannot imagine a moment without them. Hayden just thinks the world of his older brothers because they give him so much love and attention. It is amazing to watch and be apart of such a beautiful family everyday.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Hayden's One Year Pictures

Hayden, Austin and I went to Portrait Innovations to get pictures done. I am finalizing everything for Hayden's first birthday party!! I am done now except for some presents. It feels good to have everything ready to go.

I still cannot believe in one month he will be 1 years old. It feels like he was born a couple months ago. Hayden is such a "ham"! He is my happiest baby and by far the most active. He will not sit still. He crawls and pulls up on everything. He is standing by himself and trying to take steps. Pretty good for a little boy who was born 2 months early!!! He is saying "mama", "dada", "Tae" (for Trae), "bye, bye, bye", "hi" and a bunch of baby talk. He is wearing 6-9 month clothes and some 3-6 month shorts. His body is just like Trae's was at that age.

Here are some pictures from the other day!