Well.... 2 of the boys are sick with the stomach bug. Hayden came down with it last night out of no where! He is doing better, no more throwing up but he is having diarrhea some. He still isn't eating but is drinking so that is good. Trae started throwing up tonight and has diarrhea too. This isn't fun for them and luckily I am still healthy so I can take good care of them. All of my kiddos I watch have it too! This bug is quite contagious! The preschool I am running is going well besides everyone being sick right now. I have a waiting list of people who want to join my program. I had 2 interviews the week before last and another one last week. They are all waiting for a spot to open. We have tadpoles on their way for our science study about frogs! The kids are going to be so excited to see them and watch them grow! I have so much lined up for these kids!! I also ordered the kids their own preschool learning books that will teach and measure their learning throughout the year. These kiddos are so amazing and I am blessed to be able to care for them each day. So exciting!!
On another note...I am praying hard for my dear Great Aunt Wig. She is very very sick right now and needs our prayers. She is in ICU right now and I pray that she finds comfort very soon. My mom is devastated right now and my heart breaks for her too. I guess her outcome doesn't look good right now and we all know how hard it is losing someone we love so much. My mom wants to go up there and see her and be with her. I told her to go...I wish I could go with her this weekend but I can't leave the kids right now. My motto: Live life with NO regrets! I told my mom she needed to go so she didn't have any regrets. I pray for everyone around Aunt Wig, friends, family, caretakers, doctors and nurses.
Now off to disinfect again!!!
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