Saturday, August 9, 2008

Today was the first day of football practice. I took Austin and Paul took Trae because they were at the same time. Austin did great! He tried so hard and really enjoyed it. Hayden just wanted to walk around everywhere. Paul said Trae did great and is still the fastest on the team. Trae really wants to be quarterback again but each season the kids will be evaluated on their skills and will be placed where the coach thinks they are best for the team.
The boys got their haircut yesterday so I will have to get some pics of that for you! Austin cut his shorter and spikes it at the front. Trae wants his longer like Zac Efron from High School Musical so his is will have to see. Hayden is still working on getting hair!!
The boys wanted to go see Gaga tonight and ended up spending the night with her. Gaga said she was bored anyways. They love their Gaga!! Hayden stayed home with Daddy while I went to the grocery store. I am about to go to bed!! I am so tired....

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