Monday, October 6, 2008

It is storming right now. Austin doesn't like thunderstorms so I laid down with him. He was so cute sucking his tongue with his finger across his lips. One arm wrapped around me....then 4 minutes later he was fast asleep. I just laid there looking at him and gently rubbing his forehead. I am amazed at how beautiful my boys are. I look at him and feel so proud to be his mommy. Every inch of him is such a miracle to me....I just starred in amazement. The Lord has been so good to me. I hear stories about people going out, drinking, dancing, having a good time and I don't want to do that. I thought about what makes me happy and its being with the boys. Doing crafts, dancing around being silly, talking, playing, doing homework, fishing, football, etc. They bring me soooooo much joy!!!

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