Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The 2 older boys woke up in the worst mood this morning! They were really dragging getting ready for school. Austin has been giving me a hard time lately but NEVER Trae!! Trae is very particular about his clothes and how they fit, feel, etc. He was aggravated at them this morning and didn't like how his under shirt was fitting.

Hayden has been in a good mood and seems to be managing his 3 new teeth coming in.

I am preparing everything for Trae's 8th birthday party this Sunday!! He is having it at the park this year...he wanted to play football with all of his friends. It is a Dallas Cowboys theme!

I am also having a very small Halloween party on Halloween. All of the girls are going to go out and trick or treat with the kids and the Dad's are going to stay at the house and pass out candy!!

This year the boys wanted to decorate the yard spooky so we have strobe lights, fog machine, flashing ghosts in the window, scary music and a graveyard in the front yard.

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