Thursday, February 5, 2009

Well, the day is quickly approaching! My 30th birthday. My best friend in the whole world, my taking me somewhere??!! Its a suprise so I really don't know what we will be doing. As for anything else I think that is it. Possibly spend the next day with my family! I have been working hard, Paul has been out of town and just got back in at 7:20 last night. I am so tired these days and can't seem to catch up on anything.
Trae and Austin are doing great. Austin has really enjoyed Kindergarten and has so many friends. Trae loves school but I think he looks forward to playing football at recess. Sometimes I wonder if Trae is bored. All of his school work seems to come very easy to him. Austin on the other hand has to work hard at it. Hayden is doing great! He thinks he is 5 and tries to do everything the older ones do. He eats his dinner at the dinner table now with his fork!! Has to have the fork!! He is talking so much and tells me what he wants. When I change his diaper he will go get the diaper for me. If he pooped and I asked him if he pooped he will shake his head and say"uh huh". Now I have gotten him to say "yes". As I am changing his diaper he will say "eewwwww gross" funny! He is a little clown and is always soooo happy!!

I better go, he is up from his nap! Love you.

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