Thursday, June 5, 2008

Hayden's One Year Pictures

Hayden, Austin and I went to Portrait Innovations to get pictures done. I am finalizing everything for Hayden's first birthday party!! I am done now except for some presents. It feels good to have everything ready to go.

I still cannot believe in one month he will be 1 years old. It feels like he was born a couple months ago. Hayden is such a "ham"! He is my happiest baby and by far the most active. He will not sit still. He crawls and pulls up on everything. He is standing by himself and trying to take steps. Pretty good for a little boy who was born 2 months early!!! He is saying "mama", "dada", "Tae" (for Trae), "bye, bye, bye", "hi" and a bunch of baby talk. He is wearing 6-9 month clothes and some 3-6 month shorts. His body is just like Trae's was at that age.

Here are some pictures from the other day!

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