Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I am sick, my throat hurts really bad! Hayden is sick and Trae still isn't feeling well. Me and Hayden cried all day!!! Just kidding....Hayden didn't!! Ha ha.... Its really hard being the mom sometimes.. when I am sick I don't get to rest. I have to continue to take care of the kids and suffer through it. What I would give right now to be able to take a day off and rest. Mommy doesn't get a day off though. I haven't had a day off, not one in almost 8 years.
I haven't been feeling well for about 3 weeks so I will make a doctor's appt. I obviously can't get better on my own. If I have the strength tomorrow I am going to take Hayden and Trae to the doctor. I will have Kennedy too so my hands will be full! Trae had to miss football tonight, that's a first. I am whipped and just layed Hayden down, now I will try and get some sleep!! Good night.

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