Sunday, February 24, 2008

The boys are all asleep...tucked in safe and sound in their beds with good dreams ahead of them. I am sitting here thinking about our weekend and our time together. The Lord has truly blessed me and given me everything I could ever need in life. To wake up to the boys every morning, to kiss their foreheads and love them with everything in me is the best reward I could ever have. They are such good boys and have so much love in them as well. I often wonder how I got so lucky??? Life hasn't always been the easiest and I continue to face hardships. I continue to try and make this the best life for my boys and I want to make sure they are happy and healthy. I want so much for we all do for our kids. Whatever that might be I will try and do what I believe is best for the kids. If I had to give a bit of advice for you raising your children I would say...." Talk to your kids, be involved with them and their activities, give them the attention and love they deserve, smile and laugh with them daily, in all the chaos stop to listen, live with no regrets, hold them close!" We all get caught up in life but don't put your children on the back burner. I truly believe my children are the way they are now because I do those things. Find what is special and important to each child and make that grow. Everything I have and have experienced has been by the grace of God. God is a huge part of our life and he leads us to where we should be. With God by our side we can do anything.

We all go through struggles and hard times.... start giving back by helping someone that needs help. Focus on the positive and put God into other's hearts by helping when they are down. Believe...God works through us!!!

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