Wednesday, November 7, 2007

All Work and No Play

I have to say this is the hardest thing I have EVER done. Being away from the boys is so hard! It is hard adapting to the fact that someone else is raising them during the day. Hayden is growing and changing daily and last night he was only awake until 7:00 and then he was down for the night. I only got to spend an hour and a half with him and then I had to leave to go grocery shopping so I didn't see Trae and Austin long enough either. Although I am complaining I have to say I love my job. I love the people I work with most of all. If I have to be away from the boys I am glad I am here and not somewhere else.
Hayden is 4 months old now! I cannot believe it, I feel like he was just born last week. He is a perfect angel and loves the attention from his two older brothers. Trae and Austin are sooooooooo good with him. They help me out a lot too.
Trae is in the semi-finals for football and he plays the Bulldogs Saturday at 2:30. It is so fun watching him play because he eats, breathes and sleeps football. His newest thing is collecting football cards.
Austin is doing great other than his allergies. I am going to get him in another gymnastics program since he didn't like soccer too much. Austin says he is ready to play flag football so we will try that next August. He is so funny and just talks and talks.....

Emmi update:
She is so sweet and the most beautiful baby girl! Doing better on the new formula and not as fussy as she used to be (according to Ash). Of course every time I saw her she was a perfect angel.

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